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27 March 2010


Today's temperature was over the 30 degree mark and I had nothing to do so decided it would be great weather to look for Lace Monitors, well I was not disappointed as I found three today which is the most I've seen in one day. All round I photographed more reptiles today then any other days herping in my backyard, I'm not sure why I found more maybe it was my technique getting better as I was walking a lot slower then usual and when I spotted things I approached quietly and slowly. I'll explain each encounter above the appropriate picture.
Larrikin Bax...

Eastern Water Skink - Eulamprus quoyii

This was the second reptile I spotted on my adventure ( I spotted Eastern Long-Neck Turtles in the dam behind my house but unfortunately didn't get any good shots ), it stayed in this same pose while I took a few pictures and even got to creep closer for the next shot below this one.

Eastern Water Dragon - Physignathus lasueurii

I never have trouble finding these guys but today was the first time I got multiple lizards in the same shot, I actually have a picture which is not as good quality where there are four in the shot. Today they were also less flighty then usual, maybe may technique is getting better.

Lace Monitor - Varanus varius

Ten minutes into my herping adventure I found the species I was hoping to see today, previously I had never got the money shot with these lil' beauty's, but today luck was with me, Lace Monitors always race up a tree as soon as they see you, they have unbelievable eye sight, so today I climbed up after this one to try and get some great shots and to say the least I was stoked with what I got.

Eastern Water Skink - Eulamprus quoyii

This was the second Water Skink I found today, I even got closer to this one compared to the previous skink.

Another shot of the same Lace Monitor from a higher perspective on my way home for lunch.

Lace Monitor - Varanus varius

I was stoked I took the long way home to get a different shot of the previous Lace Monitor as I found this one on the way back, I couldn't get a great shot of this one as the tree it climbed was quite gnarly with branches everywhere and was also a stringy bark tree which I hate climbing as you get covered in bark.

Lace Monitor - Varanus varius

Towards the afternoon I decided to see what else I could find and found I was on a Lace Monitor hot streak, I found this lil' one on the way to my letter box, no need to climb the tree as it stayed quite low due to the Noisy Miners dive bombing it. Got some great shots of this one so todays mission was complete, Lace Monitor pictures conquered.

Eastern Bearded Dragon - Pogona barbata

Found this beardy on the way back from my letter box, after finding the last Lace Monitor I was keeping a keen eye out, the beardy was actually in a better pose when I first saw it but half went to take off but then decided I was no harm and let me get close enough to give it a pat and take a few photos before it decided to leave for cover and safety. I was quite happy to get these shots as every other time I've seen them I've either had no camera or only the one on my mobile phone.

Unknown Skink Species.

I found a few of these tiny little skinks today, but they are rather flighty hence this is the only shot I got and its not the greatest at that, I also spotted another skink which was again a different species to this one but unfortunately I was not quick enough with the camera. I will try and get an ID on this one soon.

Monarch Butterfly - Danaus plexippus

I've photographed these butterfly's before but never been patient enough to get an open wing shot.

Wedge Tailed Eagle - Aquila audax

I've been seeing a lot of these great birds of prey lately, but as usual they are a bugger to get a good shot of like all birds, made even harder when they are flying. It was a great way to cap off the day watching him soaring above as I laid atop of the 4WD bonnet enjoying a smoke, all I needed was a beer to make it perfect!

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